We aim to provide a high quality value for money service in a transparent financial manner.
This text aims to assist you identify the costs that may be involved as all medical costs incurred in the private healthcare sector are ultimately your responsibility.
If you are in doubt, you should always check with your insurer to work out if, and for how much you are covered for medical services so that you can decide if you can afford the treatment involved.
At times therapy fees including ours will be greater than the rebate provided by your insurer and in this case you will be required to pay the difference between the rebated amount and the fees (this difference is known as a “gap”).
Workcover / Insurance Commission of Western Australia (MVIT) / Veteran’s Affairs: We accept payment from these organisations for your treatment.
Late cancellation or late attendance fees however are not covered by the above organisations and are your responsibility.
Hands & All are co-located with Mr Paul Jarrett, Orthopaedic Surgeon, who has a financial interest in Hands & All.